Free Glade Expressions + Possible $8.98 Money Maker At Meijer

Now Thru 9/1

Buy 1 Glade Expressions Product Get A $1.00 Catalina

Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist Starter Kits $2.99 (Price thru 9/16)
Use $3.00 off Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist
Pay $0.00
Get Back $1.00 Catalina Coupon
Send In Try It Free Rebate Here
Final Price: Free + $3.99 Money Maker

Glade Oil Diffuser Starter Kit $5.99 (Price thru 9/16)
Use $5.00 off Glade Expressions Oil Diffuser kit
Use $1.00 Catalina From 1st Transactions
Pay $0.00
Get Back Another $1.00 Catalina
Send In Try It Free Rebate Here
Final Price: Free + $5.00 Money Maker

There is also a rebate for both of these Items

Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist Rebate

Glade Expressions Diffuser Rebate

Money Back Guarantee Offer

Related Posts

2 thoughts on “Free Glade Expressions + Possible $8.98 Money Maker At Meijer

  1. Walgreens:
    Scope mouthwash is also free this week. Ad says 2/$6 but they are buy one get 2nd half price. Comes to $4.50 with a $3 rr back. Used (2) 75 cents off scope coupons makes them both free!

    Been flipping them with the omega krill and dove.
    Trans 1:
    Purchased 2 scope mouthwashes and 4 dove shampoos.
    Used (2) 75 cents off scope coupons, (2) $3/2 dove coupons and $10 rr from last week. Total comes to $2.00 plus tax. Get back $3 rr and $5 rr.

    Trans 2:
    Purchased 1 Omega Krill and (2) 9 cents folders for fillers.
    Used $3rr, $5rr and $2 omega coupon from here:

    Total is like 98 cents because of taxes. Subtotal is 18 cents. Getting back $10 rr.

    Trans 3 repeat trans 1
    Trans 4 repeat trans 2

    8 scopes, 16 dove shampoos, 4 omega krills, 12 folders and 7 highlighters came to about $12 but most of that is taxes.

  2. Hey greg! Thanks to that palmers coupon you put up a while back I just got 2 lip balms for almost free! Im wondering how many times a person can do that rebate but i havent looked at the small print yet. I also have been helping a lady across the street who is blind from diabetes with all the “free” stuff you have hooked me up with. Ive given her some fish oil, air fresheners, kiss my face soap, pens, glue, and some fist aid stuff. It has really lifted her spirits and I keep telling her she can get better and improve her vision. She has started juicing because I was mentioning how great it is for inflammation and she said after she did it she could see the cable box a lot better on her tv. SO if she keeps doing it , maybe she will be able to drive again. I just wanted you to know because all the work you do is helping people in ways you may not imagine. Have a wonderful summer Lemon T.

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