Dollar General: Another Gain Scenario – Get Gain Wasted Again – The Coupons Reset – All Digital Coupon


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Click “Read More” to check out the Scenarios

Scenario 1

Gain Fireworks 9.7 oz, $4.00
Gain Flings 31 ct $8.45
Gain FLings 12-16 ct $4.95
Gain Dryer Sheets 105 ct $4.50
Gain Fabric Softener 48 Loads $3.50
Gain Liquid Detergent 40 oz. $4.50
Downy Fabric Softener 90 loads $6.95
Gain Dish Liquid 8 oz $1.00
Total $37.85
$5 instant Savings will come off at the register
Load Digital Coupons HERE
$5 off $30 Gain Digital Coupon
$2.00 Off Scent Booster Digital Coupon
$3.00 off Tide Pods or Gain Flings 26 ct or Higher Digital Coupon
$2.00 off Tide Pods or Gain Flings 25 ct to lower Digital Coupon
$2.00 off Gain Dryer Sheets 105 ct Digital Coupon
$2.00 off Gain Fabric Softener 48-60 loads Digital Coupon
$2.00 off Gain laundry Detergent
$2.00 Off Downy Fabric Softener
$0.25 Off Gain Dish Liquid Digital Coupon
Pay $12.85

dg gain

Scenario 2

Buy 1 Gain Liquid Fabric Softener 48 loads $3.50 –
Buy 1 Gain FLings 12-16 ct $4.95 –
Buy 1 Gain Flings 31 ct $8.45 –
Buy 1 Gain Liquid Detergent 40 oz $4.50
Buy 1 Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent 69-75 oz. $7.95
Buy 1 Gain Dish Liquid 8 oz $1.00
Total $30.35
Load Digital Coupons HERE
Use $5 off $30 Gain Scented items digital Coupon
$2.00 Off Gain Fabric Softener 48-60 load Digital Coupon
$3.00 off Tide Pods or Gain Flings 26 ct or Higher Digital Coupon
$2.00 off Tide Pods or Gain Flings 25 ct to lower Digital Coupon
$2.00 off Gain laundry Detergent
$3.00 off Gain laundry Detergent
$0.25 Off Gain Dish Liquid Digital Coupon
Pay $13.10

Screen Shot 2017-09-10 at 11.50.39 PM

Scenario 3

Buy 1 Mr Clean Gain Scented $2.15
Buy 2 Febreze Air Gain Scented $3.00
Buy 1 Gain Detergent 40 oz $4.50
Buy 1 Gain Liquid Fabric Softener 48 loads $3.50
Buy 1 Gain Flings 12-16 ct $4.95
Buy 1 Gain Dryer Sheets 105 ct $4.50
Buy 1 Gain Fireworks 9.7 oz. $4.00
Buy 1 Gain Dish Liquid 8 oz $1.00
Total $30.60
Load Digital Coupons HERE
$5 off $30 Gain Scented items digital Coupon
$1.00 Mr Clean Digital Coupon
$3.00 off 2 Febreze Items
$2.00 off Gain laundry Detergent
$2.00 Off Gain Fabric Softener 48-60 load Digital Coupon
$2.00 off Tide Pods or Gain Flings 25 ct to lower Digital Coupon
$2.00 Off Gain Dryer Sheets Digital Coupon
$2.00 Scent Booster Digital Coupon
$0.25 Off Gain Dish Liquid Digital Coupon
Pay $11.35

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15 thoughts on “Dollar General: Another Gain Scenario – Get Gain Wasted Again – The Coupons Reset – All Digital Coupon

  1. I don’t have the gain $5.00 off $30.00. It didn’t reset. I guess I’ll wait for Saturday to use the $5 off of $25 DG q.

  2. I didn’t get the coupon for the 3.00 off 2 Gain Febreeze and also my coupon for the fireworks is only $1.00

  3. Saturday will be my first day trying to coupon. I have a question will I be able to do 3 seperate transaction using 3 different numbers for the Dollar General coupon?

    1. You can use 3 different accounts to make the 3 different transactions, which results in using coupons 3 different times.

  4. Should I have the cashier hit total so the $5 instant will come off and then enter my number for digital coupons?

  5. Thank you for providing these for us, I am new to q’poning (couponing) but am already loving the results! Love all of them but I chose scenario #1. Also, the extra $5 did not come off at register so my total was $14.65 with tax was $16.39. Total savings was $23.25.

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