Super Hot – Philips Norelco 6945XL Only $5.99 At CVS (Normally $52.99)

Philips Norelco 6945xl

Super Hot – Philips Norelco 6945XL Only $5.99 At CVS (Normally $52.99)

5/24 – 6/28

Philips Norelco 6945XL $29.99 (Normally $52.99)
Use $4 off $10 Razor Coupon From CVS Red Box/Coupon Center
Use $20.00 Off Shaver 6000 Series Printable Coupon
Pay $5.99

The $20 coupon will prompt for a manger approval because the coupon is over $10 but it is indeed the correct coupon.

Screen Shot 2014-05-30 at 12.10.12 PM

Thanks, Blannche_deveraux

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17 thoughts on “Super Hot – Philips Norelco 6945XL Only $5.99 At CVS (Normally $52.99)

  1. They have pic of Do not use these coupons for the $20 and $50. In my cvs and few other people I know. Is there something I can print out to prove they are legit

    1. Tell them that the coupon is a valid coupon on Pull up the razor on the philips website while in the store.

  2. Wow I was so excited and for the first time ever I got shouted at by an employee! She said that this is not it and I couldn’t use the coupon. Thanks for the deal 🙁 I am steaming over that lady!

    1. call corporate on her! there is never a reason to yell she could have explained it nicely. every one makes mistakes im sure shes made millions

    1. Raincheck is what my CVS did for the sale price i got 2 on hold for me because of my raincheck.

  3. I got 3!!! used 2 of the $50.00 off & 1 $20.00 + $3.00off Cvs cpn on the $20.00 one, im learning! So happy for Fathers Day Gifts to use!!! Thank You!!!

  4. Wal-Mart sucks with this coupon wouldnt let me use it on this one said I had to use it only on the 6000 one. So I said ok ill just go to CVS did that and got a raincheck for the sale price. WOOT WOOT!!! Thanks Greg.

  5. I found out that the promotion will last until june 28th. My CVS is not letting me use this coupon with the promotion. My WM is not price matching b/c there is no printed ad. Ugg. Thanks for the info Greg, I will keep trying other CVS’s.

  6. My Walmart refused the coupon because it didn’t just scan. My CVS didn’t have any of these in stock (nor did they have the shelf tag indicating they once had it – it was the 2100 series that was on sale).

    Ultimately, went to Meijer, which had the 6948XL on sale for $29.97, and required cashier override to work.

    Thanks for the deal! I haven’t tried an electric in a long time, but I figured for $12, I’d give it a shot.

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