**HURRY** Three (3) New $1.00 Purex Coupon – Get 6 Prints
If you are not sick of Purex deals yet then there are more new awesome Purex coupons available. They are all under different Zip Codes so you can print each of them two times. Click on the links below and put in the zip codes and it will take you directly to each of those coupons.
Print: $1.00/1 Purex Laundry Detergent Zip Code 10004
Print: $1.00/1 Purex Laundry Detergent Zip Code 19606
Print: $1.00/1 Purex Laundry Detergent Zip Code 33234
The coupon do have a Publix and Shoprite logo on them buy they are Manufacture coupons and can be used anywhere Manufacture coupons are accepted per each stores coupon policy
Also dont forget to sign up for the Saving Star offer to get back $5 for spending $15 on Pures HERE
Thanks, The Coupon Gal
Does saving count on the free ones too
You can also use 02840 Rhode Island 🙂
not found
Ahhhhhh!! wow