*Hot*Cottonelle Deal At Kmart. Only $0.99 Each


*Hot*Cottonelle Deal At Kmart. Only $0.99 Each

Sale Ends 11/9

This week a Kmart when you buy 3 participating paper products you will save $3 instantly when you check out.

Also there’s a new Cottonelle Catalina promotion that just started 11/4, Buy 3 packs of Cottonelle toilet paper get  back a $3 Catalina.

Here’s how the deal would work

Buy 3 Cottonelle 12 pk Big Rolls $3.99
Total $11.97
$3.00 will come off instantly
Use (3) $1/1 Cottoneelle  Item 10/13 SS
Or (3) $0.50/2 Cottonelle toilet paper, 4 roll pas or (1) 9 pk+ SS Insert 10/13/2013 (exp 11/16/2013)
Or (3) $0.55 off ONE (1) COTTONELLE Toilet Paper
Pay $5.97
Get Back a $3 Catalina Coupon (A catalina is a Coupon that can be used on anything in the store.)
Final Price: $0.99 Each

You can repeat the transaction  and add in a filler and use the Catalina from the previous transaction and you OOP will be less

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21 thoughts on “*Hot*Cottonelle Deal At Kmart. Only $0.99 Each

  1. Can I combine the Cotonelle and the Viva deal in one transaction? Or are they part of the same promotion?

    1. The are a part of the same deal but you can get them both in the same transaction, However the Catalina promotion on the Viva has ended

  2. i have a question if i use the catalina q for my next purchage after ive done my 1st deal can will i get a catalina q after my second deal or no?…

  3. Just went to Kmart and they told me I couldn’t use my cat till next purchase. So they were not 99 cents.

  4. In LA getting this deal for $1.99 a pack. The initial $3 isn’t coming off but the Catalina is rolling if you break down the transaction and buy 3 at a time. I scored 21 packs this morning.

  5. My Kmart seems to behind on the times. May I ask where you get these coupon deals from? I would like to show them somethink official as they are always so lost on their own promotiions.

  6. is this only on the blue 12 pack. I just bought three of the purple and the Catalina didn’t print

  7. Greg, could I purchase 3 cottonelle and 3 Viva in one transaction adding a filler to reach $25 So I can get the Double Q’s… Will the $6 OFF come off instantly. I can’t read if there is a limit. THANKS!

  8. Hi, I am new to this and I don’t understand what you mean by filler and why we need one. TIA!

  9. Beautiful I did it and I bought the gc for 25 and received 5 $ one so I used that to pay for my transactions… still cheap cuz i couldnt find my q’s ..thank u

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