Damn Near FREE School Supplies Office Depot Haul 8/26

Damn Near FREE School Supplies Office Depot Haul 8/26

 Damn Near FREE School Supplies Office Depot Haul 8/26

Im loving all these awesome school supplies deals. I paid less then $4.00 for all this at Office Depot.

Check out the video below then RUN and get you some.

Check out the Office Depot School Supplies HERE


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3 thoughts on “Damn Near FREE School Supplies Office Depot Haul 8/26

  1. Well I guess I will be stopping at Office Depot tomorrow. The just built one less than 5 minutes from my house next to Target. I will be making a couple of trips. I always stock up and keep some of the items for myself and then donate the rest. I always donate a ton of school supplies every year since I don’t need that much and don’t have kids. In many of our schools we have a lot of kids that can’t afford school supplies so I make sure I give as much as I can. How can you go wrong for a penny or $.25. This is why I always keep all of my coupons. I clip the ones I use and store the rest. If I see a post on an item I don’t use but have a coupon and it makes the item $.50 or less then I stock up and donate. That is part of what makes couponing great. I could never afford to donate much in dollars but I can donate tons of stuff in food and nonfood items to those who need it.

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